

A report from the Blade & Soul community about the unreleased items (the image below) in the game raised a lot of attention recently. It was first speculated to be obtained through hacking tools by the community. The game’s Community Manager Rukkirii responded yesterday, claiming that these unreleased items were in the game because the GMs used NCsoft’s tool “in an unauthorized manner”.

Blade & Soul: GMs Obtained Unreleased Weapons in the Game Illegally

Rukkirii wrote at the forum:

Last night, we received reports that there were characters in game that had items that aren’t available in our game. We found that two of our support agents were using our tools in an unauthorized manner. The items no longer exist on the accounts and we will be resolving the staff matter appropriately and internally. It is against our internal policy for items to be created for personal characters.

We’ve also received a report regarding a potential item duplication issue and while we take every matter seriously, with a deeper look, we discovered that the video was recorded on an illegal server. We caution players to be careful of downloading unofficial programs. We do appreciate the community reports and will investigate accordingly.

We hope this clarifies what we’ve experienced today. Please continue to send potentially game breaking or game concern issues to us directly.

The clarification raised new concern, as some players were worried about the GM’s going rogue and NCsoft’s failing on detecting such behavior. Feel free to share your opinions of this topic in comment.

Blade & Soul: GMs Obtained Unreleased Weapons in the Game Illegally